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To the question for bioregionalisation of the Antarctic waters with ecosystem approach

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
Delegation of Russia

The nature of the composition (structure) and distribution Antarctic marine living resources to determine by position of the South Ocean and originaly it's geographic isolation unity enormous water basin. This unity and circumpolar waters space lead to formation not only to Circumpolar Carrent sistem (ACC), but to circumpolar distribution of the whales, seals, seabirds, fishes, squids, species of macro- and mesoplancton, algaes and protosoa, in other words all the components of ecosistem and food chains. At the same time naturel boundary, in the form of the Antarctic Convergence (AC) in different Sectors of Antarctica is located in different latitudes, and the structure of ACC modify greatly under the influence submarine topography. As a result of these general geological and oceanographic features of the Antarctic sphere, how we all very good know, we can identified a diversity of Insular, Coastal and Open sea areas, with proper scheme of the currents, composition of bioresources species and good isolation ecosistem. In my book (Shust,2001), take into account the general geological and oceanographic features of the Antarctic area are responsible for the formation of variously sized biotope/ecosystems in which one can, based on the composition of fish fauna (especially of the most highly abundant species), I identify eight ichthyogeo-graphic zones (IZs). From mine point of view, this experience could be use today for Bioregionalisation of the South Ocean.