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Proposal to standardise the submission of meeting documents to working groups

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
Agenda Item(s)

At the request of the Scientific Committee, the Secretariat has prepared a single reference document which provides guidelines for the submission of meeting documents to the Scientific Committee, WG-EMM and WG-FSA (including ad hoc WG-IMAF).
In doing so, the Secretariat noted some Working Group-specific differences in relation to: submission deadline; exception to the deadline; and approach to accepting revised documents.
WG-EMM agreed that standardising the Working Groups’ guidelines in relation to the submission of meeting documents would simplify and unite the guidelines which participants to both WG-EMM and WG-FSA are required to follow. Standardisation would also simplify the Secretariat’s work in preparing information and documents for meetings. Consequently, WG-EMM agreed to a proposal to standardise the specific differences which related to the submission of documents to its meetings (WG-EMM-05/10).
WG-EMM also agreed to 3 changes to maximum size of meeting documents, submission of published papers, and availability of meeting documents in locked and unlock pfd. If WG-FSA adopted the changes agreed by WG-EMM, then the requirements for WG-FSA and WG-EMM would be identical and this would result in a standard set of guidelines for the submission of meeting documents to working groups.