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Demonstrating global leadership in marine spatial protection

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
Submitted by ASOC

The CCAMLR Commission and its Scientific Committee have some significant opportunities as they convene for their 30th annual meeting. One of the most important is fulfilling their commitment to meet the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) goal of designating a representative system of marine protected areas (MPAs) and Marine Reserves by 2012.1
The recent Workshop on Marine Protected Areas at the Institut Paul Emile Victor (IPEV) in Brest, France was held with this imminent deadline in mind. While there were many positive outcomes from the workshop, significant work remains to be done in a short time. Fortunately, as the report of the workshop recognizes, experience demonstrates that progress in developing MPAs can be achieved relatively quickly if there is a dedicated effort to do so. The key principles and concepts are straightforward, and supported by excellent, science-based papers put forward by various Members and NGOs to help create the initial system of MPAs and Marine Reserves. Adoption of a general Conservation Measure on MPAs at CCAMLR XXX should assist Members in the process of designation and management of MPAs in the future.
Since CCAMLR began its serious consideration of marine spatial protection and management measures, ASOC has actively supported the process. This includes highlighting trends, international developments and best practice in the development and implementation of MPAs and Marine Reserves. In addition, ASOC contributed by bringing forward concrete scientific contributions to the identification of areas of the Southern Ocean where the implementation of MPAs could assist CCAMLR to achieve its objectives. ASOC is very supportive of the agreed 2012 goal, and hopes that all Members will work together over the next 14 months to ensure that it is met.