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Modern data on parasitofauna of Dissostichus mawsoni and by-catch species from logline fishing in Antarctica

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
I.I. Gordeev and S.G. Sokolov
Submitted By:
Sarah Mackey (CCAMLR Secretariat)
(Proceedings of the 5th Russian conference with international participation on theoretical and marine parasitology, 23–27 April 2012, Kaliningrad (2012): 63–64)

Parasites are one of an integral part of any ecosystem and unfortunately knowledge about this ecological group in Antarctica is very scared. Partial geographical and ecological isolation of Antarctic circumpolar ecosystem plays its role on existence of endemic forms of animals, including parasites, which sometimes have unpredictably large sizes and distribution. The best example of it – Lophoura szidati. In this work we conclude the results of preliminary analysis of collected parasites of Antarctic fishes that were caught during longline fishing in seasons 2010/11 and 2011/12 in Subareas 88.1, 58.4 and 48.6.