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An overview of the elasmobranch fish of the Southern Ocean

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
J.R. Ellis, S.R. McCully, V.V. Laptikhovsky and R. Scott (United Kingdom)
Submitted By:
Sarah Mackey (CCAMLR Secretariat)

This review summarises current knowledge of the elasmobranch fish occurring in the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic waters of the CCAMLR area. About 14–15 species of elasmobranch have been recorded, with skates (Rajiformes) the most speciose order. Two genera of skates are known (Amblyraja and Bathyraja), although the current taxonomic knowledge of some species or species-groups is incomplete.  Five genera of sharks are known from the area, the most frequently reported being Somniosus antarcticus and Lamna nasus. Although other squaliform sharks are thought to occur in the area, the taxonomic status of some of these species is also unclear. The current biological knowledge of the various species is summarised, focusing on those aspects of the life history that may inform on assessment and management.