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Adopting and implementing a climate change response work plan

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
Submitted by ASOC
Submitted By:
Ms Claire Christian (Invited Experts,ASOC)
Approved By:
Ms Claire Christian (Invited Experts,ASOC)

ASOC strongly supports the development and adoption of a Climate Change Response Work Plan (CCRWP) by CCAMLR and the establishment of an Intersessional Correspondence Group (ICG) to support its implementation. The draft work plan focuses on the key climate change issues that ASOC believes CCAMLR needs to address. As climate change is expected to have significant impacts on Antarctic marine ecosystems, it is very important that the work plan achieves its intended outcomes. Therefore, ASOC recommends that the ICG conduct further prioritization and scheduling of work plan items, and implement a measurable, SMART approach to increase the effectiveness of the CCRWP.