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    Mapping of scientific research capabilities of CCAMLR Members in Domain 1, with a focus on the D1MPA Research and Monitoring Plan

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    Delegations of Argentina and Chile
    Submitted By:
    Mrs Marina Abas
    Approved By:
    Dr Enrique Marschoff (Argentina)

    This document provides information about progress in the tasks of mapping the scientific research efforts and potentials in Domain 1 as linked to the proposed Marine Protected Area (D1MPA). In the course of the last two years, the D1MPA proponents conducted reviews of the literature, domestic workshops and an open, international and multilateral survey to gather information about the research capabilities focussing on the priority elements for research and monitoring (PERMs) in the D1MPA proposal. The results of this work set the foundation for the elaboration of the Research and Monitoring Plan (RMP) of the D1MPA proposal.