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    Contribution of information to inform State of the Antarctic Environment Reporting (SAER): a potential new SCAR initiative

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    Submitted By:
    Dr Susie Grant (United Kingdom)
    Approved By:
    Angharad Downes

    This paper describes the outcomes of a SCAR workshop to consider the potential provision of information to inform elements of ‘State of the Antarctic Environment Reporting’ (SAER). SCAR encourages SC-CAMLR to:

    • Note the recent SCAR workshops held to consider how best the scientific community might contribute to SAER (see the Workshop Report at Annex 1 to this Background Paper).
    • Consider the proposal by SCAR to develop a mechanism for the provision of information relevant to SAER; and
    • Provide feedback regarding (i) the usefulness of this proposal and (ii) if considered beneficial, what information would be most useful for supporting the Scientific Committee in their provision of advice to the Commission.