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ASPA No. XXX Western Bransfield Strait and Eastern Dallmann Bay for Review by CCAMLR

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
Delegation of the United States
Submitted By:
Dr Polly A. Penhale
Approved By:
Dr George Watters (United States of America)

At CEP XXIV (2022) the United States submitted a revised management plan for ASPA No. 152 Western Bransfield Strait and ASPA No.153 Eastern Dallmann Bay. The comprehensive review of these sites in close consultation with scientists working in the Area verified that the values under special protection at these sites are still valid and that measures for protection of those values are sufficient. The review identified that ASPA No.152 and ASPA No.153 share common purposes, aims, objectives and management policies. Moreover, the scientific interest and activities within these areas are also similar. As such, the review identified there would be considerable benefit to merging the two ASPAs into a single plan covering both sites. The merger maintains the same level of protection while simplifying the plan and eliminating much needless duplication.

The United States submitted the revised management plan for the merger of ASPA 152 and 153 to SC-CAMLR 41 (2022) for its endorsement and referral to the Commission for approval, per ATCM Decision 9 (2005). SC-CAMLR did not reach consensus on endorsing the revised management plan in 2022. Subsequently a further revision of the management plan was reviewed by the CEP Subsidiary Group for Management plans which recommended that the CEP XXV (2023) approve the revised management plan for the ASPA. ATCM XLV (2023) reached consensus on the revised management plan following changes which have maintained the size of the sub areas represented by ASPA 152 and 153, and changed the vertical protections to start at 20 m depth to allow for freedom of transit above the ASPA. The revised plan is submitted to SC-CAMLR 42 for endorsement for approval by the Commission.