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    Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment – 2019 Update

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    Submitted by SCAR
    Submitted By:
    Angharad Downes
    Approved By:
    Angharad Downes

    This update by SCAR on recent advances in our understanding of climate change across the Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, and the impacts on the terrestrial and marine biota and ecosystems, builds on the material included in the Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment (ACCE) report, published by SCAR in 2009 (Turner et al. 2009), with an update of the key points in 2013 (Turner et al. 2014).

    At the request of the ATCM, SCAR agreed to provide regular updates on the original report (e.g. ATCM Resolution 4 (2010)). This activity is coordinated by the SCAR ACCE Expert Group (see, which provides annual updates to the ATCM.  The remit of the ACCE group is to keep abreast of recent advances in climate science, with a particular focus on Antarctic climate change and the environmental implications of such changes.

    The original ACCE report and an overview of significant updates are available online as a wiki at The online version is progressively updated by a number of editors with input from many active scientists.