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Proposal for continuing research plan on Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in Division 58.4.4b (2016/17–2020/21): Research Plan under CM 24-01, paragraph 3

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
SC-CAMLR-39/BG/05 Rev. 1
Delegations of Japan and France
Submitted By:
Dr Takehiro Okuda (Japan)
Approved By:
Dr Taro Ichii

Division 58.4.4b has been a closed area since 2002 (CM 32-02) and scientific research has been conducted with a research plan submitted under CM 24-01 since 2008 by Japan. France joined this research plan in 2015 and a joint proposal was submitted for the first time in 2016 (WG-SAM-16/06 and WG-FSA-16/33 Rev. 1) for a period of 5 years.

Compared to last year (WG-FSA-2019/64), this research plan has been updated with 2020/21 operating details especially the replacement of Japanese fishing vessel from Shinsei-maru No.3 to Shinsei-maru No.8 with same crew and fishing gears (fishing method: Trot system) and the withdrawal of the French vessel Ile Bourbon, which will not notify this year. Furthermore, milestone tables have been updated to account for the postponement of the WG-SAM due to the COVID 19 situation.