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The “State of the Environment and Antarctic Marine Living Resources in Area 48”: a proposed model for an annual report to SC-CAMLR

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
SC-CAMLR-43/BG/08 Rev. 1
Waluda, C.M., S.E. Thorpe, A.H. Fleming, R.D. Cavanagh and M.A. Collins
Submitted By:
Dr Claire Waluda (United Kingdom)
Approved By:
Dr Martin Collins (United Kingdom)

This document provides a proposed model for an annual report on the State of the Environment and Antarctic Marine Living Resources in Area 48 (Scotia Sea). We present environmental data on sea ice, sea surface temperature, surface air temperature, chlorophyll-a concentration, climate indices, and iceberg presence, alongside information on the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Programme in the region and catch and effort data for the krill fishery up until July 2024. The report compiles this wide variety of information into both a one-page summary of key information and a more detailed report, intended to provide the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), Scientific Committee, and stakeholders with an annual appraisal of the environment and marine living resources in Convention Area 48.