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Preliminary analyses in support of the CEMP Review Workshop: serial correlations

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
Agenda Item(s)

As part of the preliminary analyses undertaken in preparation for the CEMP Review Workshop, the Secretariat has documented serial correlation in time series of CEMP indices. The values input to the serial correlation analysis were the ‘transformed’ annual index values reported in WG-EMM-03/24.
Serial correlation in biological indices occurred in 4, 10 and 33 % of the time series at alpha levels of 0.05, 0.10 and 0.20 respectively. Generally, serial correlation appeared more prevalent in time series from black-browed albatross and Antarctic fur seal, and from the CEMP Indices A1, A3, B1a and C2b.
Serial correlation in environmental and fishery indices occurred in 23, 38 and 55 % of the time series at alpha levels of 0.05, 0.10 and 0.20 respectively. Generally, serial correlation appeared more prevalent in time series from CEMP Indices H3b and F2c.