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Spatio-temporal dynamics of the Antarctic krill fishery within fishing hotspots in the Bransfield Strait and South Shetland Islands

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
F. Santa Cruz, B. Ernst, J.A. Arata and C. Parada
Submitted By:
Dr César Cárdenas (Chile)
Approved By:
Admin Admin (CCAMLR Secretariat)
Fish. Res., 2018 (in press)

The present document is an update of document EMM-16/52, presenting refine analysis of the krill fishing hotspots and a description of the daily CPUE pattern for the krill fishery. This paper has now been accepted for publication in Fisheries Research.

Results identified several fishing hotspots (FHs), where the fleet took 48 to 57% of the seasonal catch, and are relatively persistent seasonality (2-6 months) with high catch densities (2.2-30.3 ton∙km-2). Within these FHs, we observed that the spatial distribution of the fleet is modulated by a dome-shaped daily CPUE. When CPUE decreased, the fleet moved towards contiguous zones, achieving new maximum CPUE values. Such displacements occurred every 4-17 days and, according to FH persistence and sea ice conditions, previously exploited zones were revisited.