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Further development of the Krill stock hypothesis (KSH) for CCAMLR Area 48: REPORT of the online workshop of the SCAR Krill Expert Group (SKEG), 08-11th March 2024

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
Meyer, B., S. Kawaguchi and the SKEG Workshop participants
Submitted By:
Dr So Kawaguchi (Australia)
Approved By:
Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)

The 2024 SKEG annual workshop was held virtually over four days, from 8-11 March 2024, with 108 participants from 22 countries, including ECRs. The number of participants provided a sufficient sample size for polling questions to support CCAMLR in further developing the KSH for their revised krill fishery management approach. 

The workshop aimed to develop the Krill Stock Hypothesis (KSH) further. The refinement focused on the data collection needs to better understand the abundance and distribution of krill life stages and krill flux to support the progress of CCAMLR’s revised krill management approach. SKEG was also tasked by the WG-EMM to provide recommendations on krill fishery and at sea monitoring for CEMP discussion to take place at WG-EMM 2024. 

Polling questions were developed to gather expert opinions to prompt further discussion.

Priority areas identified for further data collection on krill were the North West Weddell Sea, the Bransfield Strait, the South Orkneys, and the South Shetlands, respectively. 

Penguins, seals and flying seabirds emerged as the most valuable predator groups to monitor to evaluate short- and long-term changes in krill. Penguins and whales were also considered relevant for future monitoring efforts to assess krill availability.

The current document serves as a record of the workshop, and includes SKEG workshop participants’ suggestions on krill fishery and at sea monitoring, and a series of recommendations on krill flux and dynamics and improvement of management strata within Subarea 48.1 to support the WG-EMM deliberation on management strata and distribution of catch.