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Algunos aspectos biologicos relevantes a la explotacion de la merluza negra (Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt, 1898) en la zona economica exclusiva argentina y sector oceanico adyacente

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
Almeyda, S.M., Prenski, L.B.
Agenda Item(s)

This work aims to the study of the distribution, size structure by depth, first maturity stage, weight/length, and length perimeter curve, of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in the Argentine Sea, and atempts some explanation by a trophic analysis of such distribution.
The distribution of Patagonian toothfish extends between of 36°30'S and 55°S from 80 to 2500 m depth. Greatest concentration areas were found south and NE of the Malvinas Islands, over the slope of Buenos Aires province and between Burdwood Bank and State Island, this last place being where the studies were carried on. Bottom temperatures ranged between 2°C and 12°C. Extreme sizes were between 12 and 227 cm, and most of the adult sizes (>80cm) were found in waters at depths greater than 900 meters. The selectivity perimeter should be bigger than 46 cm. The new maturity curve range at 50% 78,27 for males, 87.06 for females and both 82,16. The length/weight curve for males was: a=5E-06; b=3.186; females: a=5E-06; b=3.161; both: a=4E-06; b=3.187.
The distribution of adults and juveniles can be explained partially by canibalism and the size of the available preys at different depth. According to the analysed data in different areas including CCAMLR area, longline or trawl operation fishing is recommended starting from 900 meters depths, in the southern area, South of 54°S and 1000 m in 38°S to 48°S and to assume a conservative position of 1000m for all the area.