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Full Name
Subgrupo sobre Prospecciones Acústicas y Métodos de Análisis
Bergen, Noruega
Fecha y hora del inicio de la reunión:
Fecha y hora del fin de la reunión:
Plazo de presentación
martes, 3 abril, 2012 - 00:00 Australia/Hobart (Documento de grupo de trabajo)
Informe de la reunión:
s-sc-xxxi-a04.pdf (192.18 KB)


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    1     Introduction
    1.1     Opening of meeting
    1.2     Meeting terms of reference and adoption of the agenda
    2     The scientific use of acoustic data collected on fishing vessels
    2.1     Possible objectives for fishing vessel acoustic data

    Well-defined research objectives (e.g. estimation of biomass in a pre-defined region) are required prior to designing surveys and defining data collection requirements. The intention at this point is to scope the likely range of research objectives that CCAMLR would wish to address using fishing vessel acoustic data. These research objectives can then be used to constrain the following discussions on survey design, data collection and analysis.

    A template for possible research objectives for krill fishing vessel acoustic data collection is provided in Annex 1 and will be used as a basis for discussion of objectives prior to and during the meeting.

    2.2     Survey design
    2.2.1     Practical survey designs for fishing vessel acoustics

    Given the range of research objectives from 2.1, we look at what can be achieved with differing levels of survey effort, ranging from scientific survey designs to just collection of acoustic data as part of the normal commercial fishing operations. One output should be a table showing what objectives can be achieved with differing levels of survey design and effort. This should incorporate a discussion of implications of incorporating repeat transects (including those from previous surveys).

    2.3     Acoustic data collection
    2.3.1     Instrumentation requirements

    Echo sounder requirements for different research objectives.

    2.3.2     Ancillary data requirements

    Consideration of other data, including ship’s motion, course, heading, speed, any meteorological and oceanographic data and relevant meta-data.

    2.3.3     Vessel requirements

    Brief consideration of effects of vessel design, noise and acoustic interference on acoustic data collection.

    2.3.4     Data collection protocols     Minimum requirements and protocols for collection for krill data

    Define minimum requirements for acoustic data collection that could provide quantifiable estimates of krill biomass/distribution, recognising that fishing vessels may not be configured to collect acoustic data at 38, 120 and 200 kHz as per the CCAMLR protocol. Should include whether data are to be collected by scientists/observers (supervised) or vessel crew (unsupervised). Where data are to be collected in an unsupervised manner, SG-ASAM has been requested to provide a detailed set of instructions to ensure that acoustic data are properly collected and stored.     Requirements for collection of data on pelagic species other than krill
    2.4     Collection of biological and other non-acoustic data required for acoustic interpretation and target identification

    What biological and other non-acoustic data (e.g. CPUE, data from fished aggregations etc.) are required to interpret the acoustic data? To what extent must biological data be collected during the survey periods as opposed to that collected during commercial fishing? Are data to be collected in a supervised or unsupervised manner?

    2.5     Acoustic data processing
    2.5.1     Calibration

    Requirements for obtaining a calibrated output

    2.5.2     Target identification

    Discussion and recommendation of appropriate target identification methods and processing relevant to equipment and protocols for fishing vessels acoustic data.

    2.5.3     Biomass estimation and associated uncertainty

    Discuss appropriate techniques for different objectives and survey designs.

    2.5.4     Data management and formats

    Advice on most appropriate data formats and data management implications of collection of acoustic data and associated ancillary and biological data.

    2.6     Recommended objectives for fishing vessel acoustic data

    Here we summarise our preferred combinations of objective, survey design, protocol and analysis. Should there be a single recommended protocol for all participants or do we chose several different scenarios with differing levels of survey effort? Also explore the concept of ‘cooperative surveys’ where survey effort is coordinated between vessels.

    3     Recent work on acoustics relevant to CCAMLR
    3.1     Target strength modelling

    Opportunity to discuss any recent developments either as tabled papers or communication from participants.

    3.2     Equipment developments

    Opportunity to discuss any recent developments either as tabled papers or communication from participants.

    4     Recommendations to the Scientific Committee

    These will be taken from the body of the report to address issues raised in SC-CAMLR-XXX, Annex 4, paragraph 2.225, plus any additional relevant issues (paragraph 2.226)

    5     Adoption of report
    6     Close of meeting