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Subgrupo sobre Prospecciones Acústicas y Métodos de Análisis
Qingdao, República Popular China
Fecha y hora del inicio de la reunión:
Fecha y hora del fin de la reunión:
Plazo de presentación
martes, 25 Marzo, 2014 - 00:00 Australia/Hobart (Documento de grupo de trabajo)
Informe de la reunión:


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    1     Introduction
    2     The scientific use of acoustic data collected on fishing vessels targeting krill
    2.1     Review acoustic data submitted from fishing vessels as part of the Proof of Concept
    2.1.1     What data have been submitted – recalling the request for digital data geo-referenced and time-referenced with associated instrument metadata suitable for evaluation of data quality
    2.2     Development of protocols for data screening and analysis of acoustic data collected from fishing vessels
    2.2.1     Comparison of noise removal algorithms
    2.2.2     Degree of specification and standardization required in noise removal and other processing steps
    2.2.3     What acoustic analysis protocols are needed to be put in place?
    2.2.4     Consider, and develop if required, a standard protocol (templates) for packages such as Echoview and LSSS (are there open-source options?)
    2.2.5     Survey statistics
    2.3     Routine data analysis, management and storage (CCAMLR, SONA, IMOS)
    3     Assessment of the effectiveness of current CCAMLR acoustic analysis protocol
    3.1     How well is this working, is it being applied consistently and correctly
    3.2     Is there a need for any updates or modifications
    4     Consideration of new methods or procedures submitted to SG-ASAM
    5     Recommendations to the Scientific Committee
    6     Adoption of report
    7     Close of meeting