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    Full Name
    Krill Fishery Observer Workshop
    Shanghai, People's Republic of China
    Fecha y hora del inicio de la reunión:
    Fecha y hora del fin de la reunión:
    Plazo de presentación
    Miércoles, 5 julio, 2023 - 09:00 Australia/Hobart (Documento de grupo de trabajo)
    Informe de la reunión:
    s-sc-42-a10.pdf (531.66 KB)


      Número de documento Nombre Punto(s) de la agenda
      Mostrar menos información
      Current krill sampling protocols followed by fishery observers undersample small krill and underestimate the proportion of juvenile krill caught
      D. Bahlburg, L. Hüppe and B. Meyer
      Mostrar menos información
      Observer sampling rates in the krill fishery
      CCAMLR Secretariat
      Mostrar menos información
      A guide to sexing Antarctic krill, with pictures!
      J. Melvin
      Mostrar menos información
      Krill Observer Workshop, what to expect
      G.P. Zhu and S. Kawaguchi
      Mostrar menos información
      An investigation of variability in krill length and observation duration of scientific observer involving in krill biological data collection in Antarctic krill fishery
      G.P. Zhu, Z.H. Zheng and S. Qiu
      3, 4
      Mostrar menos información
      Data quality screening for data reported from vessels and observers in the krill fishery
      K. Huang, D. De Pooter and S. Parker
      Mostrar menos información
      Draft data collection form for whale incidental mortality events in the krill trawl fishery
      N. Kelly
      WS-KFO-2023_06 r1
      Mostrar menos información
      A summary of current SISO observer tasks in the krill fishery, and responses to the krill observer survey questionnaire.
      CCAMLR Secretariat


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      1     Opening of the meeting

      The Co-conveners will welcome participants, review the terms of reference for the workshop, agree the agenda, and outline priorities and anticipated outputs from the workshop. The Co-conveners will also provide an overview of local facilities, internet access and any exciting extracurricular activities. The Secretariat will assist with use of the meeting website and development of the report.

      2     Review of the development of data sampling protocols by the Scientific Committee and its working groups

      The Co-conveners will summarise the current advice on observer data sampling protocols from the Scientific Committee and its working groups for review and consider future needs for observer data identified by the Scientific Committee for advancing krill science and management.

      3     Management of appropriate workload

      Provide a forum for observers to share experiences on how to conduct the needed sampling for CCAMLR while managing an appropriate workload. The Workshop will also identify issues that remain to be addressed.

      4     Refinement of sampling and reporting protocols
      5     Training materials for krill sex determination and length measurement

      The workshop will develop a guide to biological sampling of krill to standardise the methods across Members and vessels.

      6     Advice to the Scientific Committee and its working groups

      The Workshop will develop advice on krill observer data collection.

      7     Adoption of the report and close of the meeting

      The workshop will adopt a report for review by WG-FSA.