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Atlas of coastal sea ice in eastern Antarctica

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K. Michael, K. Hill, K. Kerry and H. Brolsma (Australia)
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The attached document provides information on an atlas of sea ice produced by the n. It was compiled from AVHRR satellite imagery initially to provide information on the sea ice in the vicinity of the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program sites at Bechervaise Island near the Australian Station of Mawson, at Edmonson Point in the vicinity of the Italian Station of Terra Nova Bay and at Ross Island. The atlas is scheduled for release in August 2002.
Here we provide a sample only of the contents of the atlas which includes
• Title page
• Abstract
• Sample images from Bechervaise Island and Edmonson Point CEMP monitoring sites
The sample images chosen are for two breeding seasons of the Adélie penguins at Bechervaise Island and cover the period September to the following March in each of the seasons 1995/6 and 1997/98. Season 1995/6 was one of low breeding success and when the sea ice remained at the coast until February. Season 1997/8 by contrast showed good breeding success. This season the sea ice retreated earlier from the coast and for most of the chick rearing period there was open water to the edge of the Island.
Volume 1 of the Atlas contains the introduction and information on data collection, data processing and interpretation of the images. The remaining 5 volumes relate to the geographic areas which are centered on Mawson, Davis, Casey, Dumont D’Urville and Terra Nova Bay. The latter volume also includes Ross Island
The sea ice atlas will be available to Members on request to the Data Centre, Australian Antarctic Division ( and will be provided on a series of CD ROMs.