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Food consumption by predators in CCAMLR Integrated Study Regions

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Delegation of United Kingdom
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A detailed description of the structure and mode of operation of a model for estimating food consumption of seabird predators is provided. This model is a development of earlier ones used in the South Georgia Integrated Study Region and incorporates new features, allowing for seasonal variation in predator weight (and hence energy requirements), diet composition and prey energy content. Specimen outputs are provided, illustrating the changes produced by using these new sub-models. Results of initial sensitivity analyses indicate particular sensitivity to estimation of metabolic energy requirements. The system is directly applicable also to fur seals and could be modified to incorporate phocid seal data, when available. Prey categories are readily modifiable to sub-divide krill into sexes and maturity stages. With existing empirical data on breeding population size, diet, activity-specific energy requirements and foraging ranges, it is possible to make realistic estimates of krill consumption of penguins and fur seals during their breeding seasons within specified areas.