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    Diet of the cape petrel Daption capense during the post hatching period at Laurie Island, South Orkney Islands, Antarctica

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    Montalti, D., Coria, N.R., Soave, G.E.
    Point(s) de l'ordre du jour

    The diet of the Cape petrel Daption capense was investigated at Laurie Island, South Orkney Islands (60°46'S, 44°42'W), Antarctica, over the period January-February 1996. Stomach contents of adults and regurgitate of chicks were sampled during the post-hatching period. The analysis showed that during the whole sampling period Antarctic krill and fish represented the predominant preys in terms of frequency of occurrence. Fish prey formed near 64% by mass, with krill forming 35.8% during the whole sampling period. The species Electrona antarctica was the most frequent fish prey.
    Amphipods were present in lower numbers and Cephalopods were only a very small portion of the diet of Cape petrel at Mossman Peninsula.
    Diet composition in terms of frequency of occurrence, mass and number was compared with results of previous studies.