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    Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels – Report of the First Meeting of the Advisory Committee
    Interim Secretariat – Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels

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    The First Meeting of the Advisory Committee to the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels was held in Hobart from 20-22 July 2005. This meeting followed the First Session of the Meeting of the Parties, held in Hobart from 10-12 November 2004.
    Eleven Parties have ratified the Agreement of which six were represented at the Advisory Committee meeting. In addition three range states were represented as well as observers from CCAMLR, Birdlife International and SCAR.
    The meeting examined issues associated with the establishment and operation of the Agreement Secretariat; noted reports from Parties and Signatories on activities relevant to the implementation of the Action Plan; reviewed reports from its Working Groups and agreed to establish a Working Group on Breeding Sites.
    The meeting examined a number of papers submitted in relation to the issue of incidental mortality in fisheries. It was agreed that engagement with RFMOs was fundamental to improving the conservation status of many albatross and petrel populations and that ACAP should seek observer status at relevant RFMO meetings; FAO COFI; Regional Fisheries Bodies; and International Coalition of Fisheries Associations.
    The meeting also noted the considerable work that had been done by CCAMLR to reduce seabird bycatch in CCAMLR waters and looked forward to continuing with this spirit of cooperation by maintaining a close working relationship between CCAMLR and ACAP.