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    Hook loss in CCAMLR exploratory fisheries

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    Soumis par:
    Sarah Mackey (Secrétariat de la CCAMLR)

    The development of methods to estimate unaccounted fishing mortality from lost fishing lines requires an estimate of the number of lost hooks that are attached to sections of line. In 2011 hook loss data was provided by 21 of the 34 vessel/fishery reports with an estimated 317920 hooks lost attached to sections of lines.  In 2012 15 of the 26 vessel/fishery reports provided non-zero data with an estimated total of 313548 hooks lost attached to sections of line. In exploratory fisheries, particularly those in data-poor regions, the requirement and appropriate mechanism for reporting these data may need to be reiterated in order to achieve a greater level of engagement with the requirements to complete the C2 data reporting form.