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Report of vulnerable marine ecosystems in South Georgia Islands (CCAMLR Subarea 48.3) through research dredge sampling

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E. Gaitán, L. Schejter, D. Giberto, M. Escolar and C. Bremec (Argentina)
Soumis par:
Sarah Mackey (Secrétariat de la CCAMLR)

In this contribution we report the presence of 6 vulnerable marine ecosystems (VME) around the South Georgias archipelago (CCAMLR Subarea 48.3). These areas, which  are proposed for inclusion in the CCAMLR VME registry, were detected during a research cruise performed by the National Institute of Fishery Research and Development (INIDEP) and the Argentine Antarctic Institute (IAA) during April-May of 2013. VMEs were established from the finding of high densities of indicator taxa through a specific sampling performed with dredge. Two indicator taxonomic groups (Porifera and Ascidiacea) dominated the biomass and were primarily responsible of reaching the proposed threshold of 10kg/1200 m2 but other 11 indicator groups were also recorded. Despite the use of different gears, standardization of densities necessary to determine which areas are considered VME allowed us compare the information presented here with previous reports in the same area. Thus, owing to high diversity and abundance of indicators taxa, at least six areas around South Georgias should be considered as VME to minimize the risks caused by fishing activity in the area of the CCAMLR convention.