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    Updated Stock Assessments for Euphausia Superba in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2

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    Numéro du document:
    Maschette, D., H. Murase, N. Kelly, P. Ziegler and S. Kawaguchi
    Soumis par:
    Dale Maschette (Australia)
    Approuvé par:
    Philippe Ziegler (Australia)
    Point(s) de l'ordre du jour

    Following the revised krill fishery management strategy recommended by the Scientific Committee and agreed by CCAMLR in 2019, we provide updated precautionary catch limits for Euphausia superba in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2 East. These catch limits are based on recent biomass estimates from a 2019 survey conducted by Japan in Division 58.4.1 and from a 2021 survey conducted by Australia in Division 58.4.2 East. These biomass estimates were combined with Grym stock assessments to estimate precautionary harvest rates for krill in Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2-East and derived precautionary catch limits.

    Based on the presented stock assessment for Euphausia superba in this paper, we recommend that:

    • In Division 58.4.1, the total catch limit be set at 366,243 tonnes, with a subdivision of 132,725 tonnes west of 103°E, 54,462 tonnes between 103°E and 123°E, and 179,056 tonnes east of 123°E.
    • In Division 58.4.2, the total catch limit be set at 2,005,280 tonnes, with a subdivision of 1.448 million tonnes west of 55°E and 557,280 tonnes east of 55°E.
    • The current trigger levels in CM 51-03 for both subdivisions of Division 58.4.2 remain in force until such time that an updated spatial overlap analysis can inform on a spatial allocation of catch within this Division.