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Рабочая группа по экосистемному мониторингу и управлению
Бремерхафен, Германия
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понедельник, июня 17, 2013 - 00:00 Хобарт, Австралия (Документ рабочей группы)
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r-sc-xxxii-a05.pdf (702.16 КБ)

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    1     Introduction
    1.1     Opening of the meeting

    Welcome to participants, overview of facilities, Secretariat’s offices, computer support and Internet access, scheduled breaks, and extracurricular activities.

    1.2     Adoption of the agenda and appointment of rapporteurs

    Amendments to and adoption of the meeting agenda, assignment of working papers to agenda items, appointment of rapporteurs and procedures for producing the report, and review needs for discussions by subgroups and establish such groups as necessary.

    1.3     Review of requirements for advice and interactions with other working groups

    Convener's synopsis of issues that have direct relevance to WG-EMM and which were raised by the Scientific Committee and Commission in 2012 as well as issues that were raised by the other working groups since the last meeting of WG-EMM.

    2     The krill-centric ecosystem and issues related to management of the krill fishery
    2.1     Issues for the present
    2.1.1     Fishing activities

    Review and evaluate reports on past fishing activities, including information on the composition of the catch, analyses of catch and effort data, descriptions of the fishery, green weight issue, information on the behaviour of fishing vessels and economics of the fishery. Review and evaluate krill fishery notifications (CM 21-03).

    2.1.2     Scientific observation

    Reports and information relevant to implementation of the systematic scheme of scientific observation in CM 51-06.

    2.1.3     Krill biology, ecology and management

    Review relevant information and submissions on krill demography, biology, ecology etc. Review the influence of recruitment variability on the calculation of precautionary yield for krill, any new information on B0. Discussions on the stock structure of krill populations, top-down and bottom-up forcing in the krill-centric ecosystem, observed trends, etc.

    2.1.4     Role of fish in the Ross Sea ecosystem

    This agenda takes up the issues which WG-EMM would like to discuss under what we called ‘Fish-based ecosystem interactions’ in the past. A broader, rather than region-specific, discussions on role of fish in the ecosystem aiming to allow a wider participation to the discussion in the working group.

    2.2     Issues for the future
    2.2.1     Feedback management strategy

    Primarily undertake the second two components of work to develop a feedback management strategy for the krill fishery (SC-CAMLR-XXX, paragraphs 3.33 and 3.34):

    • review of spatial and temporal structure in the ecosystem in which the current Area 48 fishery operates and consideration of the implications for monitoring and management
    • development of agreed decision-making mechanisms for the candidate feedback management approaches, including decision rules which identify how fishing strategies and/or monitoring are to be adjusted on the basis of the indicators.

    Discuss the ways to achieve a wider participation to the discussion on feedback management.

    2.2.2     CEMP and WG-EMM-STAPP

    Discuss CEMP and WG-EMM-STAPP in the context of the potential requirements for feedback management, including estimates of abundance and krill consumption for fur seals and penguins, foraging models, monitoring data.

    2.2.3     Integrated assessment model

    Discuss the development of an integrated assessment model and related issues in the context of the potential requirements for feedback management.

    2.2.4     Fishing vessel surveys

    Discuss development of scientific and survey work conducted from krill fishing vessels, in the context of the potential requirements for feedback management.

    2.2.5     Joint WG-SAM–WG-EMM focus symposium on spatial modelling in 2014

    Discuss and scope out joint WG-SAM–WG-EMM focus symposium on spatial modelling in 2014, and agree on terms of reference of the symposium.

    2.2.6     Climate change
    3     Spatial management
    3.1     Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

    Take up issues other than Domains 5 (Ross Sea) and 6 (East Antarctica). Reports and materials from the Circumpolar Gap Analysis Workshop, and any further updates from new initiatives, including Domains 3, 5 and 9 as well as other MPA discussions, ASPA & ASMA issues will be considered.

    3.2     Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs)

    Consider notification of any new VMEs.

    3.3     ASMA and ASPA
    4     Advice to the Scientific Committee and its working groups

    Collate, summarise, and organise advice, items of interest and concern, requests for information and guidance, etc. that were previously reported under Agenda Items 2 and 3.

    5     Future work

    Identify and prioritise items for future work, including short- and long-term work items with particular emphasis on suggesting revisions, if necessary, to the previously agreed work plans for the 2014 meeting of WG-EMM.  Consider work required in 2015.

    6     Other business

    Consideration of topics not included elsewhere in the agenda, including issues related to invitation of Observers to working groups, reports from other meetings (e.g. the CEP and IWC) and research efforts (e.g. ICED and SOOS).

    7     Adoption of the report and close of the meeting

    As at past meetings of the WG-EMM, rapporteurs will draft sections of the report. These sections will first be reviewed by the Convener and parties with strong interest in the topic and then submitted to the Secretariat for formatting, editing, and circulation for reading and mark-up by attendees. Proposed changes to the draft report must be made in consultation with the rapporteurs, who will inform the co-conveners and then provide the appropriate changes to the Secretariat. The report will be interactively adopted in plenary, using a data projector and support from the Secretariat.