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Рабочая группа по акустической съемке и методам анализа
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Дата/время начала совещания:
Дата/время окончания совещания :
Срок подачи документов
понедельник, мая 6, 2024 - 09:00 Хобарт, Австралия (Документ рабочей группы)
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    1     Introduction
    1.1     Opening of the meeting
    1.2     Adoption of the Agenda
    2     Review Terms of Reference and workplan

    The Working Group will review the Terms of Reference and the workplan set out in SC-CAMLR-42, Annex 15.

    3     Standardised procedures for the collection of acoustic data for the implementation of the revised krill fishery management approach
    3.1     Methods for calibrating echosounders on fishing vessels

    The Working Group will recommend appropriate methods, procedures, and reporting requirements for calibration of echosounders on fishing vessels used for acoustic data collection.
    The working group will develop guidelines for collection of relevant data to assess acoustic calibration methods which make use of seafloor backscattering.

    3.2     Acoustic transect design and data collection

    Review and finalise Annexes 12 and 13 from SC-CAMLR-42 on guidance for conducting surveys (SC-CAMLR-42 paragraph 2.28).
    The Working Group will identify transects grids for each management area in Subarea 48.1 and develop a list and a map of the transect start and end locations.
    The Working Group will review the metadata reporting requirements developed during WG-ASAM 2023.

    3.3     Krill biological data collection

    The Working Group will consider the data collection needs to support krill biomass estimation from vessels undertaking acoustic surveys for krill. It will consider updates to the CCAMLR 2000 scientific net protocol and requirements for krill length frequency data and weight data, including data collected by scientific observers on board fishing vessels.

    3.4     Oceanographic data protocols

    The Working Group will develop protocols for the collection of CTD data, including metadata requirements.

    3.5     Submission and storage of acoustic data

    The Working Group will consider database and storage needs for acoustic data including data submission guidelines and formats.

    4     Standardised procedures for analysis and development of krill biomass estimates
    4.1     Standardised management units for krill biomass estimates

    The Working Group will review the spatial management units for biomass estimation relative to ongoing data collection and management needs.
    The Working Group will review procedures to update krill biomass estimates in Subarea 48.1 using the workflow described by WG-ASAM-2023 Appendix E.

    4.2     Standardised processing and reporting of acoustic data

    The Working Group will review the content and quality assurance required for dedicated acoustic surveys to deliver krill biomass estimates to CCAMLR for use in management, including the use of exemplar datasets to benchmark processing software and models.
    The Working Group will collate and appropriately document test datasets to benchmark processing software and methods.

    4.3     Analysis of acoustic data collected along nominated transects

    The Working Group will review existing acoustic data collected along nominated transects and methods for estimation of biomass.

    5     Krill biomass estimates
    5.1     Area 48 biomass estimates

    The Working Group will discuss the estimation of krill biomass in the revised krill management strata and any adjustments necessary.

    5.2     Area 58 biomass estimates

    The Working Group will review survey results for biomass estimates from East Antarctic surveys.

    6     Survey design and using other platforms

    The Working Group will consider design and analysis methods to examine temporal and spatial variability of krill distribution by observations from various sources (e.g., gliders, moorings, and acoustic data collected during routine fishing activities).

    7     Develop methods to estimate biomass of finfish using acoustic techniques

    The Working Group will consider papers submitted regarding the design, analysis or results of biomass surveys for finfish such as mackerel icefish.

    8     Future work

    The Working Group will consider the workplan in SC-CAMLR-42 Annex 15 and identify any reprioritisation or revision for discussion by the Scientific Committee.

    9     Other business

    The Working Group will consider any other business, including acoustic survey data from research conducted under CM 24-01.

    10     Advice to the Scientific Committee
    11     Adoption of report and close of meeting

    Draft schedule as of 21/05/2024. Note that this schedule is indicative only and is likely to be modified at any time, including at short notice depending on the needs of the meeting.

    Time Monday 20 May Tuesday 21 May Wednesday 22 May Thursday 23 May Friday 24 May
    9:00-10:30 1 Introduction
    Adoption of the agenda
    2 Review ToR and work plan
    3 Standardised procedures for the collection of acoustic data
    3.1 Methods for calibration

    Plenary - report back from Subgroups

    3.3 krill biological


    report back from Subgroups

    4.2 Standardised processing and reporting
    4.3 Analysis along nominated transects
    5 Krill biomass estimates
    5.1 Area 48
    5.2 Area 58


    6 Survey design and other platforms
    7 Develop methods to estimate biomass of finfish using acoustic techniques

    8 Future Work
    9 Other business

    10:30-11:00 tea  break
    11:00-12:30 3.2 transect design 
    3.4 oceanographic data
    3.5 data submission and storage

    Subgroup loose ends Adoption
    12:30-14:00 lunch break
    14:00-15:30 Subgroups

    4 Standardised procedures 
    4.1 Standardised management units



    Plenary - report back from Subgroups


    Report preparation Adoption
    15:30-16:00 tea   break
    16:00-17:30 Plenary - report back from Subgroups

    Subgroups continued

    Plenary - report back from yesterday Subgroups


    Plenary - report back from Subgroups

    Subgroups continued
    Report preparation Adoption
      Ice breaker at BAS at 17:30   ASAM Dinner at Millworks at 18:30    

    Report preparation will follow the following schedule:

    Report schedule

    Report text guidelines: