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    Preliminary assessment of the potential for the proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impact on vulnerable marine ecosystems

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    United Kingdom

    The Secretariat has received a notification from the UK for exploratory fisheries for Dissostichus spp. in Subareas 88.1 and 88.2 in 2010/11. This notification included a preliminary assessment of the potential for the proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impact on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs), as required by CCAMLR Conservation Measure 22-06. In an accompanying letter, the UK advised that the notification was intentionally submitted before the 25 July deadline so that the data enclosed will be available for discussion by WG-EMM in their consideration of VME impacts (in addition to normal consideration by WG-FSA) should that be desired. The enclosed document was submitted to WG-EMM by the Secretariat, on behalf of the UK.