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    Numerical model of ecosystem including Euphausia superba Dana as a key species in the Antarctic Ocean

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    Naganobu, M., Kishi, M.J.
    Пункт(ы) повестки дня

    On the processes to investigate a proper model for understanding the processes that govern the biochemical cycle in Antarctic Ocean, we made a research plan as follows: (1) to develop an OGCM (Ocean General Circulation Model) (2) to develop a one dimensional ecosystem model that can be applied to primary production in Antarctic Ocean (3) to develop an ecosystem model able to describe krill ecology (4) to develop a numerical model to couple the OGCM and ecosystem models (5) to develop a numerical model including the effect of marine mammal consumption and catch of krill (6) to develop the integrated model with the above 5 items.
    This year, we have developed a three dimensional regional model off King George Island and Livingstone Island to connect the OGCM developed by CCSR (Center for Climate System Research, University of Tokyo).