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    Hydrometeorological condition features in South Orkneys subarea in February–March 1996

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    Номер документа:
    Polischuk, M.I., Shnar, V.N.
    Пункт(ы) повестки дня

    There are presented some results of atmospheric circulation features evaluation over Antarctic Sector of Atlantic, thermochaline conditions and surface geostrophic transfers.
    There are obtained daily indeses of atmospheric circulation for the period February-March 1996, calculated average values for ten-days periods and for month.
    There are calculated cyclogenesis intensity characteristics for the period, which along with atmospheric circulation data allow to determine atmospheric circulation features over ASA area at the summer period.
    There are obtained data on thermochaline conditions on the polygon near South Orkneys. There are calculated and presented maximum temperature distribution on the polygon, allowing to provide the most clear marking of the main water masses and Secondary Frontal Zone position and geostrophical current velocities distribution in the limits of the polygon investigated.
    There are observed exceeding of the atmospheric circulation in the period of investigation (February-March of 1996) over the average for many years one and predominance of the meridional transfer over the zonal one.
    There are stated the negative anomalies of the thermochaline characteristics in the subarea 48.02.
    The presence of Doubling Anticyclonic Current is revealed near the South Orkneys.