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    Aves marinas registradas en el océano Atlántico sur y sudoccidental durante el período 1994¬–2003

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    Y.H. Marín, L.C. Barea, J.F. Chocca y A. Stagi (Uruguay)
    Пункт(ы) повестки дня

    Records of seabirds collected by on board observers on different research or fishing vessels between the years 1994 and 2003 are presented. A total of 883 daily census were included. 22 species and three genera were identified in the Atlantic Ocean, within an area between 20ºS and 57ºW and from the Uruguayan coast up to 30ºW of longitude. This preliminar paper refers to cualitative data (presence-absence), the description of the area, the species and records constraints.