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Assessment of incidental catches of seabirds in the French EEZ included in Division 58.5.1 and Subarea 58.6

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Номер документа:
C. Marteau (France)
Представлено (имя):
Sarah Mackey (Секретариат АНТКОМ)
Пункт(ы) повестки дня

France presented at the CCAMLR XXVIIth meeting, an action plan aiming to reduce incidental avian mortality by half in the French EEZ included in the statistic division and subarea 58.5.1 and 58.6, for the period 2008/2009 to 2011/2012.  

France demonstrated at the CCAMLR XXXth meeting, to have successfully fulfilled its commitments and to have obtained encouraging results concerning the global diminution of seabird incidental mortality.

This document presents a quantified assessment of the evolution of avian mortality between 2007 and 2013, ongoing studies and research in the nature reserve of the Southern French Islands, and the improvements that France wants to do to keep on reducing incidental catch of seabirds for the 2013-2014 period.

It also presents a synthesis of the populations monitoring in the Southern French Islands, supervised by the national nature reserve created in 2006.