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    Review of CCAMLR’s partnership in FIRMS

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:

    FIRMS is a partnership of regional fishery bodies and other organisations which aims to provide high-quality global information on the monitoring and management of marine fishery resources. CCAMLR joined this partnership in 2006 and has contributed fishery fact sheets on the exploratory longline fisheries for toothfish; further fact sheets covering all CCAMLR fisheries and fishery resources are planned. In 2009, the Commission requested that a review of future collaboration with FIRMS be tabled for consideration at CCAMLR-XXIX.
    While in its infancy, CCAMLR’s partnership in FIRMS has contributed to the objectives of Article IX and XXIII of the Convention through the further development of cooperative working relationships with FAO and other agencies, and further cooperation with Parties which exercise jurisdiction in marine areas in close proximity to the CCAMLR Convention Area. The partnership has involved CCAMLR in a global, best-practice initiative aimed at disseminating information on the status and trends of fisheries. The cost of this partnership has remained within the annual budget agreed by the Commission in 2005, and further developments in FIRMS are expected to yield increased benefits to CCAMLR.