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    Full steam ahead for the Polar Code – developing safety measures for fishing vessels and implementation of marine mammal avoidance measures

    Request Meeting Document
    Document Number:
    Submitted by ASOC
    Submitted By:
    Ms Claire Christian (Invited Experts,ASOC)
    Approved By:
    Ms Claire Christian (Invited Experts,ASOC)

    This paper provides a brief update on progress by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) on the development of safety measures for non-SOLAS vessels including fishing vessels, and considers current discussions on the implementation of marine mammal avoidance measures under the Polar Code.  ASOC calls on the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) and CCAMLR Members to:

    • Support the development of measures by the IMO include fishing vessels in the Polar Code.
    • Ratify the Cape Town Agreement.
    • Strengthen CCAMLR Resolution 20/XXII to a conservation measure requiring Members only license vessels with a minimum ice classification standard of ICE-1C or more.
    • Ask SC-CAMLR to contribute to expanded cooperation between the IMO and the Antarctic Treaty System on marine mammal avoidance planning.
    • Ask SC-CAMLR to provide advice on appropriate marine mammal data collection and analyses and how they may best be made available to and used by the relevant stakeholders.