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Request Meeting Document
Document Number:

In 2008 WG-FSA recommended that the Secretariat undertake to identify the tagging event details for all tags recovered (WG-FSA 2008 paragraph 3.55). The Secretariat has been able to verify the tagging details of a greater proportion of tags than reported last year which has resulted in an improved proportion of the tags that can now be linked to tagging events in exploratory fisheries (Table 1). The recapture linkage rate for rajids has been lower than for toothfish in Subareas 88.1 and 88.2. The linking rate for tags recovered in established fisheries is also variable due to the partial inclusion in the CCAMLR database of some information on tag deployments and recaptures from tagging schemes that are operated by individual Members. WG-FSA has requested Members who have previously deployed tags to provide inventories of these tags to the Secretariat (WG-FSA 08 paragraph 3.56). This request, including a tag inventory template, has been sent to all Members. The Secretariat urges all Members with this type of information to provide these details as soon as possible. A copy of the tag inventory template can be obtained from the Secretariat.