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Research program to examine the life cycle and resource potential of Dissostichus species in the Special Research Zone within the Ross Sea region marine protected area (RSRMPA) in 2017–2027

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
Delegation of the Russian Federation
Submitted By:
Dr Svetlana Kasatkina (Russian Federation)
Approved By:
Dr Svetlana Kasatkina (Russian Federation)

Russian Federation is going to continue investigation for toothfish in Ross Sea. The previous Russian program was undertaken in the Subarea 88.2 in 2010-2012. This paper presents the   research program in the frame of the research and monitoring associated with the RSRMPA.

Russian research program have objectives to investigate the life-cycle, distribution and movement, biological parameters and stock structure of Dissostichus species in the eastern part of the Ross Sea over shelf and continental slope within the Subarea 88.2 A.  The tagging toothfish and recapture tagged fishes   to be in focus.  The study area covered by proposed investigations is located in the Special Research Zone of the RSRMPA. Proposals include the priority elements for scientific research and monitoring associated with the Ross Sea region marine protected area. 

The research program shall be conducted in the Special Research Zone during 2017-2027 or the first reference period for existence of the RSRMPA.   This program provides possibility   for collaborative investigations in the Special Research Zone by Russian vessel and vessels from other CCAMLR country-members. Implementation of this program can be started in the forthcoming season 2017/18.