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Approaches to data collection and analysis for detecting and quantifying functional overlap at the scale of the individual vessell

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
M. Söffker and N. Gasco
Submitted By:
Approved By:
Dr Chris Darby


Over the past years, the subject of whether there is a functional overlap between the krill fishery and pelagic krill predators has been discussed throughout the SC-CAMLR Working Groups. Specifically, these discussions centre around two key issues: a) whether there are potential interactions and competition between the krill fishery and krill-dependent predators during fishing operations, and b) how krill acoustic surveys and transects could also be used to provide data for wider ecosystem monitoring. The Scientific Committee noted that consideration is needed on what specific scientific questions required answering, to ensure data collection requirements were robustly designed. This paper, therefore, considers what types of scientific questions can be answered with the two approaches to data collection and analysis, to facilitate the discussion of WG-EMM on developing specific scientific questions and enabling the development of a robustly designed data collection programme.