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Progress report on the joint research for Dissostichus spp. in area 88.3 by Republic of Korea and Ukraine in 2024

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
Delegations of the Republic of Korea and Ukraine
Submitted By:
Mr Illia Slypko (Ukraine)
Approved By:
Dr Kostiantyn Demianenko (Ukraine)

The scientific research fishing was conducted by the vessels “Greenstar” (KOR) and “Marigolds” (UKR) in CCAMLR Subarea 88.3 following the survey design (WG-FSA-2022/26). The total catch of Dissostichus mawsoni was 73020.7 kg comprising 3747 individuals. The CPUE for D. mawsoni varied among the research blocks; CPUE demonstrated high variability in research blocks 88.3_1, 88.3_3 and 88.3_4 with the mean range of 66.1 – 245.2 kg/1000 hooks. This season in research blocks 883_6 was obtained mean CPUE 90.3 kg/1000 hooks and in block 883_5 very low CPUE 1,5 kg/1000 hooks which is usual for this area. The vessel calibration study was completed in research block 88.3_3, planned number of stations was set. The tagging rate and tag overlap in Subarea 88.3 were 5.91 fish per ton and 91,18 % overlap for Greenstar, and 5.7 fish and 85.1% for Marigolds.