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2024 Review of the South Orkney Islands Southern Shelf Marine Protected Area

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
Delegations of the United Kingdom, Argentina, the European Union and its Member States, Norway and Uruguay
Submitted By:
Dr Martin Collins (United Kingdom)
Approved By:
Dr Martin Collins (United Kingdom)

The South Orkney Islands Southern Shelf (SOISS) MPA was established in 2009 with the objectives of contributing towards the conservation of marine biodiversity in Subarea 48.2, providing a scientific reference area, and conserving important predator foraging areas and representative examples of pelagic and benthic bioregions (CM 91-03). The SOISS MPA is reviewed every five years in accordance with CM 91-03. Information in support of the 2024 review is provided in SC-CAMLR-43/BG/XX, including details of research and monitoring activities undertaken by Members, and updates on the key ecosystem indicators identified in the draft MPA Research and Monitoring Plan (RMP). We recommend that the Commission maintains CM 91-03 in its current form until the next review in 2029 or until appropriate alternative measures are agreed as part of the D1MPA and harmonisation processes. We further recommend that the Scientific Committee and the Commission approve the draft RMP appended to this paper.