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    Full Name
    Forty-third Meeting of the Commission
    Hobart, Australia
    Meeting Start Date/Time:
    Meeting End Date/Time:
    Submissions Due
    Friday, 30 August 2024 - 09:00 Australia/Hobart (Working Paper)
    Saturday, 14 September 2024 - 09:00 Australia/Hobart (Background Paper)

    Detailed information is available in our support forum, which includes the process for submitting papers and revisions.

      Provisional Agenda

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      1     Opening of the meeting

      The Chair of the Commission will welcome delegates from CCAMLR Members, observers from CCAMLR Acceding States, observers from non-Contracting Parties (NCPs) and international organisations invited in accordance with the decision taken last year (CCAMLR-42, paragraphs 12.5 to 12.7).
      The meeting will be opened by Her Excellency the Hon. Barbara Baker, Governor of Tasmania.

      2     Organisation of the meeting
      2.1     Adoption of agenda

      The Provisional Agendas for the Forty-third Meeting of the Commission, the meeting of the Standing Committee on Implementation and Compliance (SCIC) and the meeting of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance (SCAF) were prepared and distributed in accordance with Rules 15 and 17 of the Commission’s Rules of Procedure. Following the opening of the meeting, the Commission will adopt these agendas. The Commission will appoint a Chair for SCAF for the 2024 meeting.

      2.2     Status of the Convention

      The Depositary, Australia, will report on the status of the Convention.

      2.3     Chair’s Report

      The Chair will report on intersessional activities.

      2.4     Proposals for new measures

      Members proposing new conservation measures may make a short presentation on their proposals to facilitate discussions in the first week of the meeting.

      2.5     Meeting the obligations under the Headquarters Agreement between the Commission and the Government of Australia

      This item was added by Russia under Rule 16.

      3     Implementation of Convention objectives
      3.1     Objectives of the Convention

      In 1996, the Commission agreed that reflection on the objectives of the Convention is an important requisite of each annual meeting. The Commission will consider this topic.

      3.2     Second Performance Review

      The Commission will review progress with the recommendations of the Second Performance Review (PR2, 2017).

      4     Management of marine resources
      4.1     Advice from the Scientific Committee

      The Commission will note the Report of the Scientific Committee and, as appropriate, endorse its recommendations.

      4.2     Krill resources

      The Commission will consider the advice of the Scientific Committee for each of the Areas 48, 58 and 88, in respect of the status and trends in the krill fishery, krill stock status, the new krill management approach, and consideration of management measures such as catch limits. The Committee may recommend changes to existing or new conservation measures relating to krill fishery management.

      4.3     Fish resources

      The Commission will consider the advice of the Scientific Committee for each of the Areas 48, 58 and 88, in respect of the progress of status and trends of established, exploratory and research finfish fisheries, assessments of the status of targeted finfish stocks, and the management of finfish fisheries, including consideration of catch limits. The Committee may recommend changes to existing or new conservation measures relating to finfish fishery management, including recommendations on research plans under Conservation Measure (CM) 21-01 and research proposals under CM 24-01.

      4.4     Non-target species

      The Commission will consider the advice of the Scientific Committee in respect of non-target species impacted by fishing.

      4.4.1     Fish and invertebrates

      The Commission will consider the advice of the Scientific Committee in respect of the status and trends of fish and invertebrate species caught as by-catch in CCAMLR fisheries. The Committee may recommend catch limits and other changes to existing or new conservation measures.

      4.4.2     Seabirds and marine mammals

      The Commission will consider the advice of the Scientific Committee in respect of the status, trends and effectiveness of mitigation measures for birds and mammals caught incidentally in CCAMLR fisheries. The Committee may recommend changes to existing or new conservation measures.

      4.4.3     Bottom fishing and vulnerable marine ecosystems

      The Commission will consider the advice of the Scientific Committee in respect of the impact of CCAMLR fisheries on vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs), and the status of existing declared VMEs and other mitigation measures implemented in conservation measures. The Committee may recommend changes to existing or new conservation measures.

      4.5     Ecosystem monitoring

      The Commission will consider the advice of the Scientific Committee on ecosystem issues not directly associated with fishing activities, including CEMP and marine debris monitoring.

      5     Spatial management
      5.1     Review of existing Marine Protected Areas

      The Commission will review the implementation of existing adopted MPAs and consider any advice of the Scientific Committee on these MPAs.

      5.2     Proposals for new Marine Protected Areas

      The Commission will review proposals for new MPAs and consider any advice of the Scientific Committee on these proposals.

      5.3     Other spatial management issues

      The Commission will consider other spatial management issues, including Antarctic Specially Managed Area (ASMA)/Antarctic Specially Protected Area (ASPA) designation or the establishment of newly exposed marine areas following ice-shelf retreat or collapse as Special Areas for Scientific Study (CM 24-04).

      6     Impacts of climate change on the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources

      The Commission will consider the advice and recommendations of the Scientific Committee, and any other contributions, in respect of the impacts of climate change on the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources.

      7     Implementation and compliance
      7.1     Advice from SCIC

      The Commission will note the report of SCIC and, as appropriate, endorse its recommendations.
      The Commission will consider any recommendations from SCIC for changes to existing conservation measures, or for new conservation measures, including with respect to notifications, under Agenda Item 9.

      7.2     CCAMLR Compliance Report

      The Commission shall consider the Provisional CCAMLR Compliance Report agreed by SCIC and adopt a CCAMLR Compliance Report.

      7.3     Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in the Convention Area

      The Commission will review advice on IUU fishing from SCIC and the Scientific Committee. The Commission will approve an NCP-IUU Vessel List and CP-IUU Vessel List for 2024/25.

      8     CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation

      The Commission will consider the advice and recommendations of SCIC and the Scientific Committee in respect of CCAMLR’s Scheme of International Scientific Observation.

      9     Conservation measures
      9.1     Review of existing measures

      The Commission will consider the advice and recommendations of SCIC, SCAF and the Scientific Committee in respect of existing conservation measures, policies, guidelines and resolutions and shall adopt a Schedule of Conservation Measures in Force for 2024/25.

      9.2     Consideration of new measures and other conservation requirements

      The Commission will consider the advice and recommendations of SCIC, SCAF and the Scientific Committee in respect of proposals for new conservation measures, policies, guidelines or resolutions and shall adopt a Schedule of Conservation Measures in Force for 2024/25.

      10     Administration and Finance
      10.1     Advice from SCAF

      The Commission will note the Report of SCAF and, as appropriate, endorse its recommendations.

      10.2     Review of the 2024 budget, the 2025 budget and forecast budget for 2026

      The Commission will note the advice from SCAF and adopt a revised budget for 2024, a budget for 2025 and a forecast budget for 2026.

      11     Cooperation with the Antarctic Treaty System and international organisations

      All reports will be received as background papers and will be taken as read. The Commission will note them in its report.

      11.1     Cooperation with the Antarctic Treaty System

      The Commission will note the report from the observer to ATCM 46.

      11.2     Cooperation with international organisations
      11.2.1     Reports of observers from international organisations

      Representatives will be invited to present key items from their observer reports either at the Scientific Committee or the Commission. The Commission will note relevant observer reports where appropriate if they have already been presented in the Scientific Committee report.

      11.2.2     Reports from CCAMLR representatives at meetings of international organisations in the previous intersessional period and nominations of representatives to forthcoming meetings of relevant international organisations

      Reports from CCAMLR representatives at the 2023/24 meetings of various international organisations (CCAMLR-42, Table 1) will be received.

      11.2.3     Cooperation with regional fisheries management organisations (RFMOs)

      The Commission will review any further developments regarding cooperation between CCAMLR and regional fisheries management organisations (RFMOs).

      12     Administrative matters
      12.1     Election of officers

      The Commission will appoint officers to the following positions:
      • Chair of the Commission for 2025 and 2026
      • Chair and Vice-Chair of SCAF for 2024 and 2025
      • Chair and Vice-Chair of SCIC for 2025 and 2026

      12.2     Invitation of observers

      The Commission will decide on the Acceding States, NCPs and international organisations that will be invited to CCAMLR-44.

      12.3     Next meeting

      The Commission will agree dates for CCAMLR-44. Proposed dates are 20 to 31 October 2025 (CCAMLR-38, paragraph 13.9; COMM CIRC 20/23 SC CIRC 20/25). 

      13     Other business

      The Commission will consider any other business, including items identified by the Secretariat.

      14     Report of the Forty-third Meeting of the Commission

      The report of the 43rd Meeting will be adopted.

      15     Close of the meeting