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Report on fishery and scientific activity of Ukraine in the Antarctic in 1993/94

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
Observer (Ukraine)

In the season of 1993-1994 Ukrainian fishing fleet conducted fisheries in two areas of Antarctic waters of the World Ocean: in the Atlantic (subareas 48.2 and 48.3) and the Indian (zone of the Kerguelen Islands, French EEZ, division 58.5.1) Oceans.
In 1994 Ukraine has resumed krill fishing stopped in 1993. It was conducted by two vessels: BAT GRIGORY KOVTUN and RKTS GENERAL PETROV. The first one worked in subarea 48.2 from 01.03.1994 to 10.04.1994 and from the middle of the second ten-day period of May to the middle of the first t en-day period of June. GENERAL PETROV worked from 21.04 to 17.05 in subarea 48.3 and from 28.05 to 11.08.94 in subarea 48.3. According to operative data, summary catch of krill in March-June 1994 was 8.708 t.
Three longliners of SRTM type worked at the specialized fishery of Patagonian toothfish in the period from October 1993 to February 1994. The total catch in the above period made 942 t,. from which 422 t were harvested in October late December and 520 t were fished in January - March.
In the reported period the priority trends in study of Antarctic bioresources were generalization and analysis of retrospective information on fishery, biology of the main fishery targets, the state of their stocks, as well as their interrelations with external environmental conditions.
To reveal biopruductive zones in the ocean and assess intensity of primary production of organic mater in them, a model of balance analysis of biogenous elements was constructed, including estimation of advective, diffusion, biochemical components and specific primary production.
The detailed processing of data on Soviet catch separately for divisions 58.4.1, 58.4.2, subarea 48.6 for the period fro m 1983 to 1990 has been completed, as well as that for division 58.4.4 for 1977-1991.