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    Full Name
    Standing Committee on Administration and Finance
    Hobart, Australia
    Meeting Start Date/Time:
    Meeting End Date/Time:
    Meeting Report:
    e-cc-xxx-a5.pdf (517.16 KB)


      Document Number Title Agenda Item(s)
      More Info
      Provisional Agenda for the Thirtieth Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      More Info
      Provisional Annotated Agenda for the Thirtieth Meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
      More Info
      Examination of the Audited Financial Statements for 2010
      Executive Secretary
      CCAMLR-XXX/04 Rev. 1
      More Info
      Review of the 2011 budget, draft 2012 budget and forecast budget for 2013
      Executive Secretary
      9, 10, 11
      More Info
      Report on the independent review of CCAMLR’s data management systems
      More Info
      Executive Secretary’s report to SCAF, 2011
      Executive Secretary
      More Info
      Performance Review Report: overview of practices in other multilateral organisations relating to the special needs of Developing States
      More Info
      The CCAMLR Secretariat Strategic Plan and associated Staffing Strategy
      Executive Secretary
      6.2, 6.3
      More Info
      Report of the SCAF Correspondence Group Review of the CCAMLR Financial Regulations
      Convener, SCAF-CG
      More Info
      Future structure of Commission meetings
      Delegations of France, the United Kingdom and the European Union
      More Info
      Access to restricted information on the CCAMLR website
      More Info
      Description of the General Fund budget
      9, 10, 11
      More Info
      Management of the CCAMLR Staff Termination Fund
      More Info
      Summary of progress made in respect of Performance Review recommendations


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      1.1     Organisation of the meeting and adoption of the agenda

      The Committee will consider the Provisional Agenda circulated to Members 45 days prior to CCAMLR-XXX and adopt its agenda.  


      1.2     Schedule of work

      Taking into account discussion at the Heads of Delegation meeting on Sunday, 23 October 2011, the Committee will agree to a working schedule.


      2     Examination of audited Financial Statements for 2010

      As required by the Commission, a full audit of the 2010 Financial Statements (CCAMLR-XXIX, paragraph 3.3) was performed.  The Financial Statements, together with the associated Audit Report, will be presented for acceptance by the Commission.  In this regard, note should also be taken of COMM CIRCs 11/34 and 11/47.


      3     Audit requirements for 2011 and 2012 Financial Statements

      Under the Financial Regulations, the Commission may authorise a full audit for the 2011 Financial Statements, or may decide that only a review audit will be required (CCAMLR-XIV, paragraph 3.6).  In 2008 the Auditor recommended that full audits of the Financial Statements should be conducted each year to take into account the growing complexity of the Commission’s Annual Financial Statements, to provide an unqualified assurance of the Financial Statements and to improve accountability and transparency of CCAMLR’s finances.  A full audit was carried out on the 2010 Financial Statements.


      4     Appointment of Auditor for 2011 and 2012

      SCAF is invited to recommend an Auditor to the Commission for the 2011 and 2012 Financial Statements.


      5     Executive Secretary’s Annual Report
      6     Secretariat’s Strategic Plan
      6.1     Independent review of the Secretariat’s data management systems
      6.2     Review of Strategic Plan
      6.3     Staffing and salary strategy
      7     Review of Financial Regulations
      8     Performance Review Report
      8.1     Cost recovery – new and exploratory fisheries applications

      SCAF will consider a paper, prepared by the Secretariat, proposing increased new and exploratory fisheries application fees.  It may also consider any proposals for the introduction of fees for krill fishing, following recommendations and of the 2008 CCAMLR Performance Review Panel Report (CCAMLR-XXIX/BG/48).


      8.2     Support to Developing States
      9     Review of 2011 budget
      10     Budget for 2012
      10.1     Scientific Committee budget

      The Scientific Committee Chair will be invited to present the Scientific Committee’s budget for 2012 and its forecast budget for 2013 so that these may be included in the Commission’s overall budgets.  The Chair will also be invited to advise SCAF of any other Scientific Committee decisions which would affect the Commission’s budget.


      10.2     Advice from SCIC

      The SCIC Chair will be invited to present the financial implications of SCIC’s recommendations to the Commission for the Committee’s consideration.

      As part of its budgetary considerations, SCAF will review any income and expenditure proposals for any of the Special and other Funds.


      11     Forecast budget for 2013
      12     Other business
      13     Election of SCAF Chair for 2012 and 2013

      In 2009 India was elected as SCAF Chair for a second term until conclusion of the 2011 meeting, and is not eligible for re-election.  SCAF is invited to recommend a Chair to the Commission to take up their appointment from the conclusion of the 2011 meeting until the conclusion of the 2013 meeting.   


      14     Adoption of report

      The Committee will adopt its report to the Commission.


      15     Close of meeting