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ICED workshop and conference session on Southern Ocean foodwebs and scenarios of change

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
R.D. Cavanagh on behalf of the international ICED Scientific Steering Committee
Submitted By:
Ms Doro Forck (CCAMLR Secretariat)

The ICED programme is investigating how climate change might impact Southern Ocean ecosystems in order to help inform management of Southern Ocean fisheries. ICED will convene a workshop and conference session in the near future in order to address these issues. The theme of the November 2013 workshop is “Southern Ocean food webs and scenarios of change”, and that of the June 2014 conference session is “Detecting, projecting and managing the impacts of change in Southern Ocean ecosystems”. We encourage scientists that contribute to CCAMLR to participate in these activities with a view to improving the basis for future monitoring and management of Southern Ocean ecosystems.