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Comparative analysis of the distribution and biology of Antarctic krill according to the data of the synoptic survey CCAMLR-2000 and Russian studies on the RV Atlántida (2020)

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
A. M. Sytov and D.A. Kozlov
Submitted By:
Dr Svetlana Kasatkina (Russian Federation)
Approved By:
Dr Svetlana Kasatkina (Russian Federation)

This study focuses on the size distribution and biology of Antarctic krill data obtained during the Synoptic Survey CCAMLR-2000 and the Russian acoustic survey on RV “Atlántida” in January-March 2020. In it there are noted differences in the spatial distribution of various-sized groups of Antarctic krill, as well as differences in the distribution of maturity stages by clusters in 2000 and 2020. Analysis of oceanological conditions in January-March 2020 in subareas 48.1 and 48.2 confirmed the main patterns of Antarctic krill distribution depending on water structure and dynamics. Mass accumulations of krill were recorded in the zone of interaction between waters with high-latitude modification (the Weddell Sea) and waters of the south periphery of the ACC (Southern ACC Front (SACCF)) and in the near-shore zones, with vortices and gyres typical for the shelf and slope areas.