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CCAMLR - IWC collaboration to consider the role of cetaceans in a broadened CEMP and to support CCAMLR's revised krill fishing management approach

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
Kelly, N., M. Collins, L. Emmerson, H. Herr, C. Johnson, S. Parker, E. Seyboth, I. Staniland, E. Vermeulen and C. Waluda
Submitted By:
Dr Nat Kelly (Australia)
Approved By:
Dr Philippe Ziegler (Australia)

A review of the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Programme (CEMP) to inform the revised krill fishery management approach, and provide information on the health and status of krill- and non-krill-dependent predators, commenced in 2023 and included discussion of cetacean science. This development provides an opportunity for the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission (IWC-SC) and SC-CAMLR to further collaborate on developing advice on data, survey design, and subsequent analyses and syntheses, and to develop research networks to contribute to this work. During its 2024 meeting, the IWC-SC recognised the importance of working with SC-CCAMLR on matters of mutual interest and established an intersessional correspondence group (ICG) to support collaboration and provision of advice on cetacean science to the review of CEMP and toward CCAMLR’s revised krill fishery management approach. We recommend WG-EMM considers the current terms of reference of the IWC-SC ICG in light of the needs of the review of CEMP and krill fishery management, and makes any recommendations for amendments, further group membership and workplan timelines.