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Biology, population dynamics and preliminary assessment of the long-term yield of Macrourus caml by-caught by the Australian fishery at Heard Island and the McDonald Islands (CCAMLR Division 58.5.2)

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
J. Dell, D. Maschette, E. Woodcock and D. Welsford (Australia)
Submitted By:
Approved By:
Admin Admin (CCAMLR Secretariat)

Grenadiers (Macrourus spp.) are a common by-catch of the Australian fisheries in Division 58.5.2, particularly for longline operations targeting Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) (Van Wijk & Williams 2003; CCAMLR 2014). Improved identification tools and targeted sampling during the 2015 random stratified trawl survey confirmed that Caml grenadier (Macrourus caml) is present in Division 58.5.2, and likely to one of the most common grenadier by-caught. Sufficient data was collected in the survey, and subsequent commercial longline operations, to enable an assessment of the long term sustainable yield of M. caml at HIMI using the Generalised Yield Model. On the basis of this information, we propose an increase in total allowable catch based on the long-term sustainable yield for M. caml, and a proportional readjustment of the move-on rule.