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Pop-off Satellite Tagging in the Ross Sea Region in 2016

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
C.D. Jones, S.J. Parker, A. Dunn, D. Di Blasi and D. Stevens
Submitted By:
Dr Christopher Jones (United States of America)
Approved By:
Dr George Watters (United States of America)

In 2016, the USA and New Zealand began a collaborative initiative to describe Antarctic toothfish (Dissosticus mawsoni) movement and habitat preferences in the Ross Sea (Subarea 88.1) using pop-off satellite archival tags (PSAT) tags. Fish were tagged as part of research longline efforts in the southern shelf and northern seamount regions. A total of 10 PSAT tags of two tag types were released on the southern Ross Sea shelf in the austral summer, and 5 PSAT tags were released on the northern seamounts in the austral winter, for a total of 15 PSAT releases. All fish were also double tagged with standard CCAMLR dart tags. Releases were distributed across 5 different SSRUS within Subarea 88.1.