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Diagnostic plots for the assessment models for Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) in the Ross Sea region to 2018/19

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
A. Dunn
Submitted By:
Mr Nathan Walker (New Zealand)
Approved By:
Mr Nathan Walker (New Zealand)

We provide diagnostic plots for the 2019 base case model for Antarctic toothfish in the Ross Sea region presented in Dunn (2019a), following the recommendations of WG-SAM-2015 (SC-CAMLR-XXXIV 2015 Annex 5). The stock assessment is described in Dunn (2019a) and a detailed description of the stock area, stock assessment methods and the stock assessment parameters are given in Dunn & Parker (2019b). Model inputs and a summary for the fishery up to the 2019 season are given in Devine et al. (2019). Associated CASAL data input (.csl files) and summary model output files (MPD and MCMC output) are available from CCAMLR Secretariat on request.