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CCAMLR protocols for pinniped identification, sexing, and length measurement

Request Meeting Document
Document Number:
Pardo, E., D. Krause, R. Borras-Chavez and H. McGovern
Submitted By:
Mr Enrique Pardo (New Zealand)
Approved By:
Mr Nathan Walker (New Zealand)

This paper introduces a pinnipeds ID guide in response to task 2.3 Development of protocols for pinniped sex and length sampling and training materials (Marine mammals – incidental mortality), as part of the agreed intersessional work plan from WG-IMAF 2022. The guide presented here is the first attempt to provide additional information to scientific observers for pinniped identification and data collection. The three species selected are those most commonly reported as bycatch (Antarctic Fur seal, southern elephant seal, and crabeater seal).